sustainability hero placeholder

we specifically chose to use sunflower seeds because of their sustainability credentials. reducing our reliance on factory farmed animals means decreasing carbon emissions and freeing up arable land.


low emissions

use 1/3 of the greenhouse gases than dairy. sunflowers have an even higher crop yield than soy = more can grow on less land

drought resistant

use half the amount of water as almonds

support pollinators

so how do we do it? first we start by blending together simple ingredients (organic sunflower seeds, fruit derived pectin, and sea minerals) that we thoughtfully sourced for the best flavor, texture, nutrients…

a regenerative crop

promote biodiversity

while soy and coconut farming drive deforestation and species collapse

low emissions

use half the amount of water as almonds

support pollinators

so how do we do it? first we start by blending together simple ingredients (organic sunflower seeds, fruit derived pectin, and sea minerals) that we thoughtfully sourced for the best flavor, texture, nutrients…

drought resistant

use half the amount of water as almonds

a regenerative crop